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Glory To The Lord

This is an original hymn written by Pastor Koshy from Gethsemane BP Church [2]. The phrase “The Holy of Israel” occurs many times in the book of Isaiah. Special thanks to Pastor Koshy for the evening classes on the book of Isaiah.

Lyrics and Music: Prabhudas Koshy

The Holy One of Israel, Our Re-dee-mer!
The Mighty God, Immanuel, Our De-li-vrer!
We, Thy people come, with the songs of praise,
Unto Thy name full of truth and grace.
Glory to the Lord, who forgives our sin!
Glory to the Lord, who saves us from ruin.
Glory to the Lord, who forgives our sin!
Glory to the Lord, who saves us from ruin.

The Cre-a-tor of e-v’ry thing, Our Blessed Lord!
The Soverign God, the El shaddai, Our ‘ternal God.
We, Thy children come, to exalt Thy name,
Above all names, we Thy name proclaim.
Glory to the Lord, who made us from the dust!
Glory to the Lord, whose name we ever trust!
Glory to the Lord, who made us from the dust!
Glory to the Lord, whose name we ever trust!

[3] [4]