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God Bless Our Home

Lyrics: T. Tow
Music: Irish Air

Many homes there were in all the Land of our Lord,
Only one did find grace in His eyes,
‘Twas the home where dear Mary and Martha did live,
Home for Brother Lazarus besides,
Though a humble abode, hidden on a hillside,
Bethany is known all o’er the world,
Blessed is the home where Jesus Christ would abide,
There the Banner of Love is unfurled.

Martha loves to serve Jesus with her busy hands,
She makes her home a banqueting hall,
She would feed our Lord and the disciples of His,
She surrenders all for the Lord’s sake.
Should our Lord come today, into your house to stay,
Will He find such a welcome so warm?
Blessed is the home where Jesus Christ would abide,
There the Banner of Love is unfurled.

Mary though uses not her hands to serve the Lord,
She gives Jesus her soul and her heart,
She sits list’ning to Jesus enrapt in His Word,
No one can take away her good part.
Should our Lord come today, into your house to stay,
Will He find such attention of heart?
Blessed is the home where Jesus Christ would abide,
There the Banner of Love is unfurled.

When dies Lazarus and there is no one to help,
Comes our Saviour promptly on the scene,
Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life,
At His Word, the dead man lives again.
Comes our Saviour today, into your house to stay,
Bring to Him all your troubles and woes.
Blessed is the home where Jesus Christ now abides,
Where the Banner of Love is unfurled.

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