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God My Father Reigns

This original hymn speak of God’s sovereignty in all our lives.

God My Father Reigns [2]

Lyrics: J. Chng
Music: Deborah Mae

God my Father reigns supremely,
And He calls the stars by name;
So when tried, I’ll stay upon Him,
He knows each step I take.

Hold, fast, to His Word,
And His peace enfolds me;
For He holds my life securely,
Now and forevermore.

Though He slay me, yet I’ll trust Him
To work all things for my good.
When the flesh grows weak and fails me,
Still will I bless my Lord.

Hold, fast, to His Word,
And His peace enfolds me;
For He holds my life securely,
Now and forevermore.

O what blessed hope in trials,
When my eyes are on the cross,
From the dead Christ resurrected,
Conquered death evermore.

Final Chorus:
He arose, He arose, I rejoice greatly,
Though in sorrow with tears I cried;
With a song I’ll praise His name,
Come before His throne,
My God will be magnified;
God will be glorified.

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